Firsthealth Montgomery Memorial Cah

520 Allen Street
Troy, NC 27371
Montgomery County

Click check boxes to add or remove any of these characteristics from consideration.

12 Similar Hospitals (based upon the tax-exempt hospital and community characteristics selected)

You may compare up to five total tax-exempt hospitals (your initial selection plus four more). Click on the box to the left of the desired hospital name from the list to add the hospital to your selection.
Click on the tax-exempt hospital name only if you want to view that tax-exempt hospital's information outside of the comparison function.
Once you have made selections, click the ‘Compare tax-exempt hospitals’ button on the right.

100 Hospital Drive
Louisburg, NC 27549
1000 West Hamlet Ave
Hamlet, NC 28345
111 Hospital Drive
Tarboro, NC 27886
240 Hospital Drive Ne
Bolivia, NC 28422
10030 Gilead Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
210 Medical Pavilion Drive
Raeford, NC 28376
8201 Healthcare Loop
Charlotte, NC 28215
1403 South King Street
Windsor, NC 27983
210 East Water St
Belhaven, NC 27810
Highway 701
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
Highway 64e
Highlands, NC 28741
211 Virginia Avenue
Edenton, NC 27932