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Carlinville Area Hospital Association

Carlinville Area Hospital
20733 North Broad Street
Carlinville, IL 62626
Bed count25Medicare provider number141347Member of the Council of Teaching HospitalsNOChildren's hospitalNO
EIN: 370645239
Display data for year:
Community Benefit Spending- 2021
(as % of functional expenses, which all tax-exempt organizations report on Form 990 Schedule H)
Spending by Community Benefit Category- 2021
(as % of total functional expenses)
* = CBI denoted preventative categories
Community Benefit Spending Compared to Functional Expenses, 2010-2021
Additional data

Community Benefit Expenditures: 2021

  • All tax-exempt organizations file a Form 990 with the IRS for every tax year. If the tax-exempt organization operates one or more hospital facilities during the tax year, the organization must attach a Schedule H to Form 990. On Part I of Schedule H, the organization records the expenditures it made during the tax year for various types of community benefits; 9 types are shown on this web tool. By default, this web tool presents community benefit expenditures as a percentage of the organization’s functional expenses, which it reports on Form 990, Part IX, Line 25, Column A. (The more commonly heard term, ‘total operating expenses’, which organizations report to CMS, is generally about 90% of the ‘functional expenses’). The user may change the default to see the dollar expenditures.

    • Operating expenses$ 40,800,608
      Total amount spent on community benefits
      as % of operating expenses
      $ 7,816,583
      19.16 %
  • Amount spent in the following IRS community benefit categories:
      • Financial Assistance at cost
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 211,000
        0.52 %
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 0
        0 %
        Costs of other means-tested government programs
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 0
        0 %
        Health professions education
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 0
        0 %
        Subsidized health services
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 7,605,583
        18.64 %
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 0
        0 %
        Community health improvement services and community benefit operations*
        as % of operating expenses
        Note: these two community benefit categories are reported together on the Schedule H, part I, line 7e.
        $ 0
        0 %
        Cash and in-kind contributions for community benefit*
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 0
        0 %
        Community building*
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 0
        0 %
    • * = CBI denoted preventative categories
    • Community building activities details:
        • Did tax-exempt hospital report community building activities?Not available
          Number of activities or programs (optional)0
          Physical improvements and housing0
          Economic development0
          Community support0
          Environmental improvements0
          Leadership development and training for community members0
          Coalition building0
          Community health improvement advocacy0
          Workforce development0
          Persons served (optional)0
          Physical improvements and housing0
          Economic development0
          Community support0
          Environmental improvements0
          Leadership development and training for community members0
          Coalition building0
          Community health improvement advocacy0
          Workforce development0
          Community building expense
          as % of operating expenses
          $ 0
          0 %
          Physical improvements and housing
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Economic development
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Community support
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Environmental improvements
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Leadership development and training for community members
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Coalition building
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Community health improvement advocacy
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Workforce development
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          as % of community building expenses
          $ 0
          Direct offsetting revenue$ 0
          Physical improvements and housing$ 0
          Economic development$ 0
          Community support$ 0
          Environmental improvements$ 0
          Leadership development and training for community members$ 0
          Coalition building$ 0
          Community health improvement advocacy$ 0
          Workforce development$ 0
          Other$ 0

    Other Useful Tax-exempt Hospital Information: 2021

    • In addition to community benefit and community building expenditures, the Schedule H worksheet includes sections on what percentage of bad debt can be attributable to patients eligible for financial assistance, and questions on the tax-exempt hospital's debt collection policy. When searching a specific tax-exempt hospital in this web tool, Section II provides information about bad debt and the financial assistance policy, and whether the state in which the tax-exempt hospital resides has expanded Medicaid coverage under the federal ACA.

      • Of the tax-exempt hospital’s overall operating expenses, amount reported as bad debt
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 1,340,041
        3.28 %
        Is the tax-exempt hospital considered a "sole community hospital" under the Medicare program?NO
    • Information about the tax-exempt hospital's Financial Assistance Policy and Debt Collection Policy

      The Financial Assistance Policy section of Schedule H has changed over the years. The questions listed below reflect the questions on the 2009-2011 Schedule H forms and the answers tax-exempt hospitals provided for those years. The Financial Assistance Policy requirements were changed under the ACA. In the future, as the Community Benefit Insight web site is populated with 2022 data and subsequent years, the web tool will also be updated to reflect the new wording and requirements. In the meantime, if you have any questions about this section, we encourage you to contact your tax-exempt hospital directly.

      • Does the organization have a written financial assistance (charity care) policy?YES
        Did the tax-exempt hospital rely upon Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) to determine when to provide free or discounted care for patients?YES
        Amount of the tax-exempt hospital’s bad debt (at cost) attributed to patients eligible under the organization’s financial assistance (charity care) policy
        as % of operating expenses
        $ 301,643
        22.51 %
    • Did the tax-exempt hospital, or an authorized third party, take any of the following collection activities before determining whether the patient was eligible for financial assistance:
      • Reported to credit agencyNot available
    • Under the ACA, states have the choice to expand Medicaid eligibility for their residents up to 138% of the federal poverty guidelines. The Medicaid expansion provision of the ACA did not go into effect until January 2014, so data in this web tool will not reflect each state's current Medicaid eligibility threshold. For up to date information, please visit the Terms and Glossary under the Resources tab.

      • After enactment of the ACA, has the state in which this tax-exempt hospital is located expanded Medicaid?YES
    • The federal poverty guidelines (FPG) are set by the government and used to determine eligibility for many federal financial assistance programs. Tax-exempt hospitals often use FPG guidelines in their Financial Assistance policies to determine which patients will qualify for free or discounted care.

      • If not, is the state's Medicaid threshold for working parents at or below 76% of the federal poverty guidelines?Not available
    • In addition to the federal requirements, some states have laws stipulating community benefit requirements as a result of tax-exemption. The laws vary from state to state and may require the tax-exempt hospitals to submit community benefit reports. Data on this web tool captures whether or not a state had a mandatory community benefit reporting law as of 2011. For more information, please see Community Benefit State Law Profiles Comparison at The Hilltop Institute.

      • Does the state in which the tax-exempt hospital is located have a mandatory community benefit reporting statute?YES

    Community Health Needs Assessment Activities: 2021

    • The ACA requires all 501(c)(3) tax-exempt hospitals to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years, starting with the hospital's tax year beginning after March 23, 2012. The 2011 Schedule H included an optional section of questions on the CHNA process. This web tool includes responses for those hospitals voluntary reporting this information. The web tool will be updated to reflect changes in these questions on the 2012 and subsequent Schedule H forms.

      • Did the tax-exempt hospital report that they had conducted a CHNA?YES
        Did the CHNA define the community served by the tax-exempt hospital?YES
        Did the CHNA consider input from individuals that represent the broad interests of the community served by the tax-exempt hospital?YES
        Did the tax-exempt hospital make the CHNA widely available (i.e. post online)?YES
        Did the tax-exempt hospital adopt an implementation strategy to address the community needs identified by the CHNA?YES

    Supplemental Information: 2021

    This section presents qualitative information submitted by the hospital, verbatim from the 990H record.
    • Statement of Program Service Accomplishments
      Description of the organization's program service accomplishments for each of its three largest program services, as measured by expenses. Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, if any, for each program service reported.
    • 4A (Expenses $ 32322947 including grants of $ 0) (Revenue $ 37117090)
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association is a 25-bed acute care hospital located in Carlinville, Illinois. The Hospital provides inpatient, outpatient and emergency care services for residents of central Illinois.During fiscal year 2022, we carried out our exempt purpose in the following ways: 1) Provided quality short term acute care medical services to 347 inpatients, of which 77% were eligible for Medicare. Without our services these elderly patients would have had to travel over 20 miles to receive similar services. (Continued on Schedule O) 2) Provided quality short term skilled care to 116 patients in our swing bed unit, with an average length of stay of 10.91 days. 3) Provided 24 hour a day emergency room services. Our emergency room treated 6,736 patients during fiscal year 2022. We treat everyone who presents themselves to our emergency room regardless of their medical condition or ability to pay. We provided 24-hour physician service so people residing in the Carlinville area do not have to travel long distances for emergency medical care. 4) In addition to the inpatient and emergency services we provide, we also had 32,222 visits in our outpatient departments. These services range from preventative care items such as mammograms and lab tests to rehabilitative services such as Physical and Occupational therapy. 5) The hospital also had 8,108 visits to their specialty clinics. These clinics bring specialists from metropolitan areas to Carlinville on a rotating basis. This provides access to specialty services not otherwise offered in the area.6) The hospital also had 17,366 visits in our Rural Health Clinics. These clinics allow for patients to stay closer to home and get in to see a medical provider.The Hospital provides health care services to patients who meet certain criteria under its charity care policy without charge or at amounts less than its established rates. Since the Hospital does not pursue collection of these amounts, they are not reported as patient service revenue. The estimated costs of providing these services was $211,000 for the year ended July 31, 2022, calculated by multiplying the ratio of cost to gross charges for the Hospital by the gross uncompensated charges associated with providing charity care to its patients.
      Facility Information
      Schedule H (Form 990) Section C. Supplemental Information for Part V, Section B.
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association
      Part V, Section B, Line 5: Focus groups were formed for input. Medical professionals and partners and key community leaders were the groups. After the groups met, a prioritization process identified several potential health needs that were chosen for the needs assessment.
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association
      Part V, Section B, Line 6a: HSHS St. Francis Hospital, Hillsboro Area Hospital
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association
      "Part V, Section B, Line 11: A Community Health Needs Assessment was completed in fiscal year 2019. The following are the needs identified and the accomplishments for fiscal year 2022.Prioritized Needs:Obesity: Provide education and programming aimed at youth on the need for recreation, exercise, and healthy eating. - The walking path remained open.- Continue to offer and promote wellness path, aquatic classes, Cardiac Rehab Phase III program, golf clinic, fall and balance classes, and Parkinsons exercise group.- Offer employee wellness program platform to area employers.Diabetes: Programs encouraging recreation and exercise at all ages.- Continue development of chronic care management with focus on diabetes, migrating toward patient centered medical home.Mental Health: Improve availability of mental health and substance use and misuse counseling. Improve access to local mental health case management services for persons suffering mental health issues including depression, grief, and loss. -Continue to offer Senior Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program for Medicare covered senior citizens facing mental health challenges.-Continue to provide a Social Worker to do 1:1 and/or family counseling in RHC-Added an activity-focused group for seniors in Senior Behavioral Health program-Partner in Community Partnership Mental Health Grant with Carlinville CUSD for collaboration on mental health services within schools for '22-'23 school year-Outreach to senior centers presenting topics on mental health-Wrote and received Mental Health Services Award grant through ICAHN which led to implementation of Behavioral Health Screening process in E/D and Inpatient Med/Surg units of CAH for quick identification of inpatients with co-morbid mental health concerns-Established/Streamlined mental health referral process for RHC counseling and SBH programs-Participated in collaborative efforts in Behavioral Health programs utilizing South Central Hospital Alliance-Social Worker/Counselor attend daily huddle on inpatient med surg unit and provide consult services to hospitalized inpatients and swing bed patients with mental health co-morbidities-Participate in Health Jam/Health Fair providing information on Mental Health careers-Behavioral Health Counselor/Social Worker providing Emergency Department consultations and assistance for Mental Health Issues-Added mental health focused areas and trauma informed care components to inpatient assessment and behavioral health staff provide bedside consultation to inpatients facing crisis/trauma.Preventative Care and Case Management Services - Continue to offer case management services in the rural health clinics.- Expand rural health clinics' hours.- Explore expanding rural health clinics into other communities within the Hospital's service area.- Offer wellness program to local businesses and civic organizations.- Expand telehealth services offered.Local Healthcare Workforce Development- Started the CAN program with L&C and Carlinville High School to allow high school students to get CAN training for a high school and college credit. Funded the learning lab supplies and hosted clinical experience. - Developed the Nursing Clinical Ladder to strengthen and develop our bedside professional nurses- Continue to offer and communicate information regarding CAH&C tuition assistance program to employees- Continue to support the Macoupin CEO Program- Continue to offer clinical rotations- Communicate scholarship opportunities available to employees- Developed Employee Referral Program/Policy- Established $15/hr minimum wage ahead of IL minimum wage requirement schedule- Hosted multiple walk-in interviews- Attended LCCC Nursing Career Days- Explored international recruitment in areas with professional shortages- Provided hospital tours to students- Provided job shadowing opportunities to students- Provided resources to local high school students regarding healthcare careers- Significantly reduced employee costs for health insurance through the new hospital plan starting in January 2022- Explored different advertising avenues to communicate job openings including: radio, social media, streaming apps, etc.- Developed and rolled out a video recruitment campaign- Established and Education department allowing us to be better aligned to hire new grads and ""grow our own"" clinical staff- Continued to solicit feedback from employees through employee satisfaction surveys- Continued to monitor turnover rates and exit interview commentsCarlinville Area Hospital completed a Community Health Needs Assessment in fiscal year 2022. The following needs were identified and will be addressed over the next 3 years.1. Access to Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services2. Workforce Development3. Food InsecurityThere were no needs identified that will not be addessed."
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association
      Part V, Section B, Line 16j: Financial assistance contact information is provided on each bill. A notice about the availability of charity care is posted in the admitting areas, including the ER. The Hospital also employs a full-time financial counselor to discuss the availability of various government services and charity care with patients.
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association
      Part V, Section B, Line 24: All individuals eligible under the hospital financial assistance policy are provided a discount for emergency and other medically necessary care. The financial assistance policy does not apply to elective procedures. Therefore, FAP-eligible patients without insurance may be charged gross charges on elective procedures.
      Supplemental Information
      Schedule H (Form 990) Part VI
      Part I, Line 7:
      Charity care expense was converted to cost on line 7a based on an overall cost-to-charge ratio addressing all patient segments. The cost for subsidized health services reported on line 7g was determined using the Medicare Cost Report.
      Part III, Line 2:
      The amount on line 2 represents implicit price concessions. The Hospital determines its estimate of implicit price concessions based on its historical collection experience with this class of patients.
      Part III, Line 3:
      The estimated amount of the Organization's implicit price concessions attributable to patients eligible under the Organization's charity care policy is calculated based on the percentage of individuals living below the poverty level in 2022. 22.51% can reasonably be considered a community benefit as it would have been written off to charity care.
      Part III, Line 4:
      The footnote to the Organization's financial statements can be found on page 12 and 13 of the attached audited financial statements.
      Part III, Line 8:
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association is a critical access hospital with a Medicare surplus.Both the total revenue received from Medicare and the Medicare allowable costs are reported from the Medicare Cost Report. The Medicare Cost Report is completed based on the rules and regulations set forth by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.Hospital services reimbursed on a fee schedule are not included in the Medicare calculation per the 990 instructions. Had this been reported the total loss from Medicare services would have been $173,693.Medicare fee schedule revenue $ 273,663Medicare estimated costs of care relating to payments (447,356)Net (Shortage) $ (173,693)
      Part III, Line 9b:
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association will give the charity care applicant at least 120 days from the date of the first bill to apply for financial assistance without any collection efforts. If the applicant has applied for health care coverage under Medicaid, Kidcare, or other government sponsored health care programs, Carlinville Area Hospital will await the approval or denial of the application without additional collection efforts.Carlinville Area Hospital Association will not refer a bill to collection without first offering the patient the opportunity to request a reasonable payment plan for the amount personally owed by the patient.
      Part VI, Line 2:
      The Hospital works with physicians, the health department, nursing homes and other health care providers in the community to determine the health care needs of the community. The Hospital completed a fourth CHNA in FY 2022 and posted to the Hospital's website.
      Part VI, Line 3:
      Financial assistance contact information is provided on each bill. A notice about the availability of charity care is posted in the admitting areas, including the ER. The Hospital also employs a full-time financial counselor to discuss the availability of various government services and charity care with patients.
      Part VI, Line 4:
      Carlinville Area Hospital Association is a 25-bed acute care hospital located in Carlinville, Illinois. The Hospital serves the residents of Macoupin County. Carlinville Area Hospital is the only hospital within a 14-mile radius of Carlinville Illinois, a small rural community in central Illinois. Illinois Route 4 passes through Carlinville. Interstate 55 is also within 12 miles of the city. The community is mostly agricultural.Other hospitals and medical centers near Carlinville are St. Francis Hospital, a Critical Access Hospital in Litchfield, IL, approximately 14 miles away, Community Memorial Hospital, a Critical Access Hospital in Staunton, IL, approximately 20 miles away and Hillsboro Area Hospital, a Critical Access Hospital in Hillsboro, IL, approximately 24 miles away.Carlinville had a population of 5,575 in 2021. Unemployment was 4.03% compared to 4.78% in the state of Illinois in 2022. The median household income in Carlinville is $57,891. The poverty level in Carlinville is 19.7% higher than the national average.
      Part VI, Line 5:
      "Carlinville Area Hospital Association's core purpose is ""Excellent healthcare close to home."" This is very important to our board as all of our members live in our service area and use our facility. The Hospital extends medical staff privileges to all qualified physicians in the community. Carlinville Area Hospital invests in improvements in the community and continues to minimize long-term debt. The Hospital also provides the following services that would not otherwise be available within the Hospital's service area: Twenty-four hour a day emergency room that treats all patients regardless of ability to pay Specialty Clinic - The Hospital has an arrangement with a physician group out of Springfield, IL that brings specialists to the Carlinville Area that would not otherwise be available.Carlinville Area Hospital's Imaging Department hosted a free community presentation in observance of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Early detection, benefits of digital mammography, and how the advanced technology aids in early detection were discussed.The Hospital operates a Weekend Walk-In Clinic to provide a need for the community who might need medical care on the weekend, but, do not want to go the Hospital emergency room.Carlinville Area Hospital participated in the Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program. The program offered opportunities for college students to gain hands-on experience in their field of study. The Hospital also served as a clinical site for students in Radiology from Southwestern Illinois College and Pharmacy from St. Louis College of Pharmacy."
      Part VI, Line 7, Reports Filed With States